Product Detail

Smoked Gammon

From: £15.00

Price Per kg: £13.98


Smoked gammon - have it as a roasting joint or leave to cool for tasty ham.  Being smoked, the salt content is higher, so make sure you have plenty of refreshments to enjoy whilst tucking in!

This is a real personal choice, but we like to boil our gammon and then finish it off in the oven with a glaze.
Weigh your joint to calculate the boiling time - 20 minutes per 450g
Boil your gammon in a large pan of water (Some like to use coke!), starting from cold water - Add any flavourings you like to the water… Cinnamon, bay leaves, peppercorns etc).Ensure you keep an eye on it during this cooking time, as the water will reduce, keep it topped up to ensure your joint is covered completely all the time, and skim off the white froth that will form.
When cooked, drain, and once cooled a little, remove the skin, leaving a good layer of the fat on the joint.
Decide what you want to baste onto your joint (we like maple sauce and mustard!) slice diagonally the remaining fat, in both directions, making diamond shapes on the top.
Line a roasting tin with foil and sit the joint onto the foil. Baste the joint with your chosen topping,
Pre heat your oven to 200 degrees
Roast your basted joint for 30 minutes or until the glaze is golden.

Prices stated are a fixed price and the weight allowance is a minimum weight you will receive. Where weight ranges are given on joints for example, we will always make sure the product does not fall beneath the minimum weight guide.

Smoked gammon – have it as a roasting joint or leave to cool for tasty ham.  Being smoked, the salt content is higher, so make sure you have plenty of refreshments to enjoy whilst tucking in!

This is a real personal choice, but we like to boil our gammon and then finish it off in the oven with a glaze.
Weigh your joint to calculate the boiling time – 20 minutes per 450g
Boil your gammon in a large pan of water (Some like to use coke!), starting from cold water – Add any flavourings you like to the water… Cinnamon, bay leaves, peppercorns etc).Ensure you keep an eye on it during this cooking time, as the water will reduce, keep it topped up to ensure your joint is covered completely all the time, and skim off the white froth that will form.
When cooked, drain, and once cooled a little, remove the skin, leaving a good layer of the fat on the joint.
Decide what you want to baste onto your joint (we like maple sauce and mustard!) slice diagonally the remaining fat, in both directions, making diamond shapes on the top.
Line a roasting tin with foil and sit the joint onto the foil. Baste the joint with your chosen topping,
Pre heat your oven to 200 degrees
Roast your basted joint for 30 minutes or until the glaze is golden.

Weight N/A

1.0kg – 1.2kg, serves 4-5, 1.3kg – 1.6kg, serves 5-6, 2.0kg – 2.2kg, serves 8-10, 2.5kg – 2.8kg, serves 10-12, 3.0kg – 3.2kg, serves 12-15